Firefighters avoiding lakeside park after harrassment

The Irrewarra Fire Brigade says it can no longer police illegal campfires at a popular campground after unhappy campers stalked and harassed firefighters.

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2 Responses to “Firefighters avoiding lakeside park after harrassment”

  1. where are the Police? If I were to do a burn off on my property you can bet that I would be charged with lighting an illegal fire, then I would be hauled before the courts and charged, why didn’t the fire brigade get police involved? and I think it is about time that the local council started charging these people to camp here! There are so many people there all from out of town just taking advantage of this free camping site, when the lake was full we went there to swim and the whole place was full of out of towners who all had fishing lines in the place where you could swim we then ended up going to go to Lorne. Start Charge them to camp there!

  2. This story is cause for concern. We have camped at Meredith Park several times over the years. Most people appreciate what is on offer there, abide by the rules and spend money in the area. There are also those who have nothing but contempt for fellow campers and rules. Regular patrols and enforcement by Police and Council By Laws Officers may deter those types. A $10 or $20 per night fee to camp there would not be unreasonable.

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