Four young Filipino fathers arrived in Colac two years ago to set the foundations for starting a new life in Australia for their families. The decision was a bold move for not just them, but their partners and children back home, and Rhys Evans Farm Machinery, their new employer which has shown faith and supported the diesel mechanics to a point where they felt like Colac was a place they could call home. In recent weeks, Jade Gamboa, Jerold Escabusa and Dalyn Lumagod have been joined by their families, while Alvin Villapana is hoping his wife and their two children can settle in Colac by early next year. We spoke with each of them and Sean McGuane from Rhys Evans about what has become a special journey together.
Rewarding new life for Filipino families in Colac
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Congratulation Sean and all at Rhys Evans Farm Machinery for supporting Alvin, Dalyn, Jerold and Jade with positive outcomes for all involved. What a great community we have.