Unique show unites students
Young people from across Victoria have come together on the Surf Coast for a unique live music and sustainability-focused festival organised by Lorne students.
Families save on kinder cost
Colac families with kids in kindergarten will save more than $1700 a year thanks to a new state funding program.
PHOTO SLIDESHOW: Colac firefighters delight kinder kids
Colac’s Winifred Nance Kindergarten had an exciting visit from members of the Colac Fire Brigade.
Events celebrate school centenary
Camperdown College will celebrate 100 years of providing higher education to the community this weekend with an array of exciting events at the school.
$15-million ag training boost
A new $15-million Agriculture TAFE and Training Fund will aim to boost training and employment activities in the agriculture sector across south-west Victoria and statewide.
State training award for farming teacher
Colac is enjoying the benefits of having the state’s best teacher.
Costume parade celebrates books
Colac South West Primary School students turned towards their favourite books for inspiration for Book Week celebrations.
Nursing scholarships for Victorians
The State Government is offering free university and specialist training for thousands of nurses and midwives.