Odds against farmers if miners find coal-seam gas

A FEDERAL Senator says “the odds are stacked against farmers” if mining companies find coal-seam gas in the Colac region.

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2 Responses to “Odds against farmers if miners find coal-seam gas”

  1. There has been seismic testing done in Vic, maybe 1949, not sure exactly when. Around that time they surveyed in Qld. An exploration company approached us, we decided to stop them, sent a letter to the minister up here, reply, too bad, so sad,or something to that effect. They drilled on the thickest seam of coal first up, luck or the result of seismic testing. The point I’m making is, they are exploring there because they know it is there. If you let them through the gate you are done for. And the Senator is right, what mining wants, mining gets, along with changes to any Government Acts that hinder it. Queensland has a known corruption history, do you want to bank on Vic being imune to it, I wouldn’t. Look up “Lock the Gate”, view the pictures of Chinchilla. I’m an ex-Victorian and I know anyone who chooses to research this will not want it in your area. I can’t believe it was allowed to get to Mortlake, wake up or suffer my future.

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