New logos to sell Colac to the world

CITY leaders have revealed three branding logos and slogans they’re considering to promote Colac to the world.

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One Response to “New logos to sell Colac to the world”

  1. Wow, those designs are really, really disappointing.
    One looks like something out of the 1960s (perhaps that’s where the designers think Colac still lingers), another appears to be advertising crop circles (Colac’s from outer space, perhaps?) and the other … well, apart from appearing to be a half-hearted attempt, it also goes against Victorian Government advice about how to treat trees. Here’s the message from Parks Victoria’s website: DON’T Climb trees or attach rope swings to trees.
    Oh, and if you complete the council’s survey there doesn’t appear to be any option to say you don’t like the logo designs; it’s simply which one you like best. Sounds a little loaded, don’t you think?
    Thank goodness government money and not council funding paid for the consultants…. hang on, where does government funding come from!
    Here’s an idea; have a competition involving university design students to come up with Colac’s logo. Won’t cost anything, the ideas will be young and fresh and chances are the finished product will be an awful lot better than what we’re considering at the moment.
    Remember, this will be the logo and slogan to sell Colac to the world and somehow (?) lure people to the city.
    Do you really think it’s good enough?

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