Pregnant woman injured in crash

A PREGNANT Colac district woman suffered neck and hand injuries when a log truck hit her car near Barongarook, south of Colac.

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One Response to “Pregnant woman injured in crash”

  1. Oh what a surprise. Someone hit by one of the log trucks. Anyone seeing how they are driving when they get to Elliminyt knows they are an accident waiting to happen. Speed limits don’t apply to them and i’m sick of seeing them only brake when they get to Ballagh St, having continued at 80kms well into the 60 zone.
    There is no excuse for a professional driver not paying attention to the road conditions, and a truck driver has no excuse for not seeing the roadworks signs or that traffic ahead of him had stopped.
    Will he be charged with dangerous driving?
    And yes, motorists are always wary of the log trucks. Pity they don’t return the courtesy.

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