Businesses can light way for teens

Colac Secondary College Beacon Ambassadors Maddison Brook, left, and Ally Harrington, right, with Beacon Foundation’s Sonia Van Kempen.

COLAC business community can help light the way for the city’s teens.

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One Response to “Businesses can light way for teens”

  1. Pity that the only teens that will really benefit are those that aren’t struggling anyway – just once i’d like to see a student ambassador that isn’t picked because they place the school in a good light – how about picking someone who is struggling and could do with the confidence boost…it could make a real difference to their life.

    and as for ‘lunch with the girls’ – wow sexism at its worst – where is ‘lunch with the boys’ or even ‘lunch for any student that wishes to attend without being excluded because of their gender’.

    Not something to be proud of at all CSC..

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