Colac community bands together to fight hospital cuts

MORE than 800 angry Colac and district people turned up to a public meeting last night to call for action to reverse cuts to Colac hospital services.

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4 Responses to “Colac community bands together to fight hospital cuts”

  1. William Ryan

    Please don’t overlook that public pressure had a lot to do with, if not everything to do with, making Geoff ISLES back down from his starting point of only the category 1 patients who were critical or life threatening….. to treating those that really need to be treated. But it was pathetic that Mr ISLES was prepared to let insurance pay for the mistakes rather than making a greater effort to find a solution.

  2. Phil Alexander

    The bottom line is that State Governments are responsible for the health of the people in their State. Since coming to power just over 2 years ago the LIBERAL State government has ripped 616,000,000 dollars out of the State health budget. Local Liberal member Mulder is only towing the party line and is not prepared to fight for health needs of the Colac district. He has lost my trust and I don’t think I’m alone.

  3. I attended the meeting last night and was disappointed. No answers, no solutions just blame. The question the community wants answered is simple. It is 2 in the morning and a man wakes with chest pain. He doesn’t know if he has indigestion or is having a heart attack but he is alone and scared. He rings the ambulance which is en route to Geelong with another patient what does he do? Where does he go? It not being a “chronic planned event” he doesn’t have an oxygen cylinder, morphine or an intravenous infusion at home? If he drives to the hospital though he may collapse on the way who will answer the door at urgent care? Who will decide if his condition is life threatening and how? Just by looking at him given they are shut! Or will Mr Isles, the Board, Mr Mulder, Mr Cheeseman or Julia Gillard be there to decide? None of whom have clinical expertise! Will urgent care be open or not? Who will attend? Will the nurses on the ward have to leave their patients unattended to attend urgent care?
    I note none of the Board or Mr Isles have a clinical background nor did they respect their opinion enough to consult them. How could they possibly make a decision that has such a potential impact on the health and well being of the Colac community when they do not understand that not all emergencies are planned? Never mind the mini bus scenario presented By Mr Isles, what about heart attacks, a stroke or asthma none of which can be planned for?
    Under whose watch did the hospital get a $1.7 million deficit? Who led them into the deficit? How was it allowed to happen without intervention? How can a Board of a hospital make decisions of such importance without being given clinical opinion as to the impact of their actions.
    The community need specific answers to specific questions and above all action over political blame games.
    What do people do overnight? Who is going to help them?

  4. Lucky Regional Victorian???

    SHAME ON GEOFF ILES for his avoidance tactics last night. He did not even commit to idea of creating a solution for the sick or injured. What about the suggestion that GP clinics cover the day and ED staying open at night?????

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