Carpark thief steals battler’s treasures

A STRUGGLING Colac district farmer lost hard-saved holiday money and irreplaceable photos when a thief stole her bag from her car in Colac.

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One Response to “Carpark thief steals battler’s treasures”

  1. Hold on, she left her bag in full view in the car, left it unlocked and expected her dog which was behind a grill to protect her belongings?
    This wasn’t an opportunistic theft – this was sheer stupidity on her part. Of course she was robbed, she did absolutely nothing to protect herself from the theft.
    All the security cameras in the world will do nothing to protect people who do not do the minimum to protect their own property!!
    I don’t leave even $9 sunglasses in view in the car, in case someone thinks they might be worth more and break into the car. Leaving a handbag in an unlocked car means it probably took seconds to grab it.
    And a lesson here also in why you back up your photos to your computer and don’t keep them all on your camera.
    I would like to sympathise, but i really can’t. I hope she doesn’t plan to claim on her insurance for the loss, as she virtually gave the items away!.

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