A 16-YEAR-OLD says she is devastated to lose her position on Colac Otway Shire’s youth council after a disagreement with the senior council.
Council sacks teenage volunteer
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A 16-YEAR-OLD says she is devastated to lose her position on Colac Otway Shire’s youth council after a disagreement with the senior council.
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What I struggle with is that the word mentor has been thrown about in this story so much. When you are on a council or committee you have a code of conduct that you have to adhere to. My only question is why a mentor would not teach this youth in how to address a Mayor with a question in this kind of role? Another concern is how objective this story is, correct me if I am wrong but isn’t Cr Smith the very person that was asked to stand down from five committee’s within the community so how can he provide an objective response to this story?? Yes this youth has every right to ask a question and have an opinion but again in what context or manner was this question or opinion made?? Its easy to write a story stating this is what happened but you have to ask yourself if this girl was so passionate and affected by Cr Smith being asked to stand down could she do it in a calm manner? On another note just wondering who motivated this young girl to go to the media? Was it truly meant to oust the Mayor on the way she conducts herself within her role… Judge me for having this thought but again I am just stating my questions and opinion.
regardless of how the question may of been asked, the Mayor was the Senior of them, in age and roll, and she should of acted in such a manner rather than the way she did.
In what manner? She asked if it was best she left and then Taylor replied yes. I see that as someone that is trying to remove themselves from the situation rather then exacerbate it all together. I personally think the Cr Russell is damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t. I am sure if she did stand her ground and defended the councils decision we would of seen a similar story in the headlines. I just think that there is more to the story and that its all very well another Cr is going to jump in and have his say if it benefits himself.
Lyn asked and was told, doesn’t mean she had to leave, she should of stayed and responded.
If Taylah was behaving inappropriately, as some are suggesting, she should of been taken aside at the time and spoken to by her peers.
Why does she need to be put up to it? Or be ‘coached’ into it. If she was brave enough to confront and question the mayor then I think she is brave enough to ring the paper herself. Cr smith was not asked to step down, he was forced off! The youth did know how to address the mayor properly, after writing a vey genuine letter questioning the decisions of council and a week later not having a reply, there was the opportunity to ask the person who should have the answers what happened and the girl took it!
Situation very badly handled and very cowardly. Seems as though our Mayor may have the opinion of “I’m right, you are wrong. Even if you think you are right you are wrong. And even if you think I’m wrong, you are still WRONG!”
This decision absolutely appalls me.
As a former Colac Otway Shire Youth Councillor from January 2008 to December 2009, I can say without any qualms Cr Chris Smith is a brilliant mentor, and the decision to remove him and replace him with Cr Lyn Russell is an absolute disgrace.
During my time (well before his election to council), Cr Terry Woodcroft was also a mentor on the Youth Council. Both of these gentlemen were truly brilliant in their role, and whilst we mayn’t have seen eye-to-eye on everything and had opposing views, they helped to ensure the Youth Council ran smoothly and effectively.
I feel the decision to remove Taylah from her position on the Youth Council is completely draconian and defies belief, and flies in the face of a democracy whereby you can have opposing views and needn’t worry about being purged.
It truly saddens me Cr Russell has been involved in this shambles, as I was just starting to come around to her, after her wonderful support of Joel Creasy and Rhys Nicholson’s recent visit to town.
Taylah is an exceptional girl, and to remove her from a position in which she has been doing well for the past few years for simply questioning this is an act of barbarism.
In light of this decision, I have decided I will be nominating for the position of non school-based position on the Youth Council in 2014, and will be actively lobbying to bring about a more transparent and open Council.
Shame, Colac Otway Shire, shame.
Wow – shouldn’t we be encouraging our youth to participate in politics? Is asking for a reason for a councillor’s removal as mentor of the youth council an unreasonable question? If an adult representative can’t face up to a question from a teenager how can they face the community at large?
Rather a cowardly way out for the mayor. So the youth council is just for show and isn’t allowed to have an opinion.
Right Ms Mayor. We understand.
Do as you say, or else. and certainly don’t have the audacity to question a decision. We see what’s been done to Cr. Smith. The other councillors better watch their backs.
Sack the Mayor! This couldn’t of been handled worse. 🙁
Wow! Look up the meaning of dictatorship and you just might find Colac Otway Shire Council in the definition.
Whatever happened to people’s right to voice their opinion? That’s a fundamental of democracy, isn’t it?
It was Voltaire who said ‘I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it’ but it seems our council mightn’t agree with that sentiment.
It’s time. Bring in commissioners and let’s start afresh.
If you thought the shire’s ranking of 520 out of the nation’s 560 municipalities was bad enough, it appears to have just reached a new low.
Sacking kids for speaking up?
What’s next and how bad does it have to get?
I feel the mayor has abused her authority,And enforced massive payback on a teenager who has had the courage to express herself
She should be congratulated for having the confidence to speak out
Instead of having some good reports to show on her CV, she is now in a position were this may curtail her job prospects
The mayor should apologise ,reinstate the lass on youth council and replace all work credits
Or is there more to this, and the lass got caught in the middle