Push for five daily trains

Cr Brian Crook says Colac's train service is the worst in the state.

COLAC Otway Shire Council wants five passenger train services a day each way between Warrnambool and Geelong.

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2 Responses to “Push for five daily trains”

  1. Phil Alexander

    Another typical response from Terry Mulder. How can the demand be tested if extra services aren’t scheduled. Logic would say, put them on and if the demand is not there then withdraw them.
    Regarding the desal plant, just another glib comment from a shorted sighted Conservative politician. As sure as night follows day there will be another severe drought that affects Melbourne. The residents will then want to build a monument to Steve Bracks and John Brumby for having the foresight to drought proof our largest city.
    Mr. Mulder, apparently doesn’t even have the foresight to see the advantages to his own electorate by increasing train services.

  2. The current rail service is a joke… Just like the desal plant! Extra train service would be fantastic, so many drive to G’town just to get the train to Melbourne because of the lack. It would also encourage growth throughout the South West.

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