Woman frees herself from flipped car

Emergency crews at the scene of a two-car collision in Colac.

A 65-YEAR-OLD woman freed herself from her car after it rolled on a Colac district road.

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One Response to “Woman frees herself from flipped car”

  1. Incidents like this one prove that Colac needs at least two Ambulances to service 20,000 people over a 4,000 square KM area as currently there is only ONE Ambulance available!

    A car accident 6th April 2014 at the corner of Sinclair st and Hearn st where a man was trapped in a vehicle, two Ambulances, 2 Fire trucks and SES and Police attended the scene. This shows yet again that TWO Ambulances were required for that one accident. Anyone requiring an Ambulance response at that time would have had to wait for Geelong to respond, 50 minutes to an hour away.

    Accordingly, CosWEcount! Inc have made the following Statement of Claim/s

    1, Victoria Statewide Hospital / Ambulance Non Emergency Patient transfer [NEPT} fund to be established specifically dedicated to providing that service, to ensure that local Ambulance services remain available at all times for Emergency response situations.

    2, Country Fire Authority [CFA] to be made available to call out as first responders to resuscitate, provide pain relief and stabilise patients in Emergency situations until an Ambulance arrives.

    3, Colac Ambulance service to be resourced to ensure that at least two [2] local Ambulances are available at all times for Emergency response situations.
    Yours Truly, Paul David Cross: President: CosWEcount! Inc. 0449 567 007 anytime.

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