UPDATED: Three new Colac COVID-19 cases, first case remains unlinked

UPDATE- First Colac positive case remains unlinked – 10.50am Friday

Barwon Health says the first Colac COVID-19 case who tested positive remains unlinked and the person’s acquisition is still under investigation.

All subsequent Colac cases have known links to the original positive.

UPDATE- Three new Colac COVID-19 cases – 10.22am Friday

Colac has recorded three new COVID-19 cases.

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The positive cases are close contacts of Colac’s COVID-19 case that was recorded on Wednesday.

The three positive cases are Australian Lamb Company workers who have been in isolation since Tuesday.

Barwon Health contract tracers have identified a group of close ALC contacts to the three new positive cases who are also isolating.

Australian Lamb Company said the three workers underwent surveillance testing on Wednesday, returning the positive results.

“The three ALC workers were identified as close contacts with the positive Colac community case reported earlier this week. They have been in isolation since last Tuesday (September 28),” a company spokesperson said.

“Due to these results, the remainder of the ALC workforce will undergo surveillance testing this morning (October 1).

“In consultation with Barwon Health, contact tracing of the three positive workers has identified a group of close ALC contacts who are now isolating.

“We’re all attempting to do our best to prevent and eliminate the spread of the virus,” they said.

The first Colac COVID-19 case recorded on Wednesday is not an ALC worker.

The spokesperson thanked the ALC workforce for its ongoing adherence to COVID-19 management protocols.

“It’s an enormous challenge, which extends not only to our workers, but also to their families, friends and the wider Colac community,” they said.

“We are also incredibly grateful to Colac Area Health for their role in protecting the community.

“Because of Colac Area Health’s ongoing support and commitment, we expect to have 85 per cent of our workforce fully vaccinated by next Wednesday (October 6).

“ALC continues to operate in accordance with strict COVID-safe procedures and our own COVID- safe plan,” the spokesperson said.


UPDATE – COPACC non-public exposure site – 3.25pm Thursday

Barwon Health’s Public Health Unit says COPACC is not deemed to be a public exposure site – after a positive-COVID case attended the site – because of the minimal and controlled exposure of the case and COVID-safe practices in place at the venue.

The unit confirmed the positive case attended COPACC’s COVID-19 vaccination clinic on Tuesday.

“But COPACC is not deemed to be a public exposure site,” Barwon Health’s Public Health Unit said.

“The reason for this is due to the minimal and controlled exposure of the positive case to the general public, largely because of the COVID-safe practices in place, including large well ventilated indoor space with good social distancing, mandatory mask wearing for patients and QR screening process.

“Despite the site not being declared a public exposure site, as per our standard processes we have had the site deep-cleaned and it is open for vaccinations today (Thursday),” the unit said.

Barwon Health said COPACC was safe and there was no current risk of exposure to COVID-19.

“Please don’t delay booking or attending your COVID vaccination appointment – it is a really important step in protecting yourself, your family and community against COVID-19,” the unit said.

“As always, we ask that anyone in the community gets tested at the first sign of symptoms of COVID-19.”



Barwon South West Public Health Unit has confirmed a new Colac COVID-19 exposure site that is not linked to Colac’s COVID-19 case.

Exposure site:

  • McDonald’s Colac, 261 Murray Street – tier two
    Exposure period: Monday, September 27, 6.30 to 8.30pm

People who have visited a tier one exposure site during the exposure period must immediately isolate, get a COVID-19 test and quarantine for 14 days from the date of exposure.

People who have visited a tier two exposure site during the exposure period must urgently get a COVID-19 test and isolate until they receive a negative result.



Barwon South West Public Health Unit has confirmed a Colac COVID-19 exposure site, after the city recorded a new case yesterday.

Exposure site:

  • Coles Colac, Colac Plaza – tier two
    Exposure period: Sunday, September 26, 6pm to 7.30pm

People who have visited a tier one exposure site during the exposure period must immediately isolate, get a COVID-19 test and quarantine for 14 days from the date of exposure.

People who have visited a tier two exposure site during the exposure period must urgently get a COVID-19 test and isolate until they receive a negative result.

The unit and Health Department are yet to release more exposure sites.



Colac’s Australian Lamb Company has confirmed two of its workers are close contacts of a COVID-positive person.

ALC confirmed the positive case was not a current employee but had previously worked at the company until June this year.

The company said two workers who are close contacts were being tested for COVID-19 and would spend at least 14 days in quarantine.

ALC will host onsite surveillance testing for its workers today (Wednesday).

“This testing is a precautionary measure and does not require workers to isolate after testing. We expect to receive the surveillance test results in the next 24 hours,” a company spokesperson said.

“ALC continues to run the business in accordance with strict COVID-safe procedures and our COVID-safe plan.

“These procedures are designed to comply with, and exceed, the minimum requirements that all Victorian abattoirs and meat processors must meet to be a COVID-safe Victorian workplace,” they said.

The spokesperson said ALC performed regular cleaning and sanitising of its facility.

“We have also been conducting regular onsite vaccination clinics with Colac Area Health for most of this year,” they said.

“At present, 63 per cent of ALC workers have received two doses of the vaccine and 85 per cent one dose.

“Our next on-site vaccination clinic, which is scheduled for October 6, is expected to close this gap significantly,” the spokesperson said.


COLAC COVID-19 CASE UPDATE – 12.30pm Wednesday

Colac Area Health chief executive Fiona Brew says it is too early to confirm Colac exposure sites, after the city recorded a new COVID-19 case.

Mrs Brew said she was informed of COVID-19 detection in Colac’s wastewater on Tuesday night, before the positive case was recorded on Wednesday morning.

“I can confirm we have had a case in Colac. Exposure sites are being identified,” she said.

“Anybody that is at risk is being notified through the public health unit and we have increased our testing.

“Anything we think we have a potential risk for, we’re doing the work accordingly and that’s supported by Barwon Health Public Health Unit as well,” Mrs Brew said.

She said it was too early to confirm how many close contacts there were.

“Contact tracing is a responsibility with Barwon Health Public Health Unit and they have a designated person who is assigned to any outbreaks,” Mrs Brew said.

“We’ve stepped up our testing capacity and that work has been applauded by Barwon Health Public Health Unit because we’re already in front.

“They work through the contact tracing and use local intelligence to assist with that and identifying other people that we may potentially need to test as well.

“Some of that testing is being done in people’s homes as we speak,” she said on Wednesday morning.

She encouraged community members to be hyper-vigilant, check in with QR codes and get vaccinated against COVID-19.

“There is no doubt we were incredibly responsive last year (to Colac’s COVID-19 outbreak),” Mrs Brew said.

“By 8am this morning there had been a significant amount of work we had completed to get the testing done and notification and things like that.

“Speed is everything and that’s exactly what we’ve done this time.

“I’m really proud of what people have achieved in a short space of time,” she said.


Colac has recorded a new COVID-19 case.
Colac Area Health and Barwon Health are aware of the case and are working together in response.
People who were at the site during the exposure period have been contacted with advice.
COVID-19 testing is available today at Colac Area Health’s Connor Street Blue Room clinic until 12.30pm.

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