Articles by Cooper Hayes
Park petition gathers support
A petition advocating for Meredith Park to remain open for free or low-cost camping has amassed more than 1000 signatures.
Crash delays maiden trip
VLocity trains hit Colac’s line earlier this month, but passengers faced delays of roughly 40 minutes on the inaugural day.
More donations for tiny readers
A local volunteer group has donated hundreds of more books for Colac families.
Marcus’ Fellowship for Efforts
A Colac export with a talent for textiles has won a prestigious fellowship—and his reinventive enterprise is set to take him right around the world.
New face committed to Colac
Susanne McCall was a pioneering jockey during her time in the saddle – now, she’s the Colac Turf Club’s newest committee member.
Wye crew take on the world
Ten of Wye River’s surf lifesavers have taken on the globe at the World Lifesaving Championships.
Marvellous marmalade
Birregurra has hosted a national marmalade competition for a second year, with a Colac local taking home one of the top prizes.