Articles by Jacob Traynor
Sawmill boss muses on big year
AKD boss Shane Vicary sat down with the Colac Herald’s Jacob Traynor for an honest talk about how the producer and key employer performed in 2020, and how a boom in timber demand is keeping locals in jobs.
Shortage of workers hampering recovery
Apollo Bay businesses say a shortage of workers is forcing them to close their doors more often, which is hurting what should be key COVID-recovery trade during the town’s peak season.
Basin upgrade would be big boon for community
Upgrading an under-performing stormwater basin at Elliminyt could reduce the risk of flooding, feed some of Colac’s thirstiest facilities and unlock enough land to create hundreds of homes.
Trinity celebrates stellar VCE results
A passion for human health and an impressive work ethic has helped Emily Hay dance her way to Dux of Trinity College Colac.
Protest stays low-key
Rumoured protests outside a Colac MP’s office yesterday have turned out to be a fizzer.
Fishermens’ doors reopen after short break
An Apollo Bay rock lobster fisher says unprecedented demand for seafood at Apollo Bay pushed the Bay’s fishing Co-op to shut its doors from Christmas Eve after selling out of crayfish.
Camperdown student’s score impresses
Camperdown College’s top scholar has 98.7 reasons to celebrate the end of a tumultuous school year.
Vandals graffiti signs
Police are investigating graffiti that occurred some time overnight in Colac’s Forest Street between December 29 and 30.