Articles by Jacob Traynor
Funding bowls them over
Cricketers, baseballers and other community users at Colac’s Eastern Reserve are celebrating a windfall that will help pay for their priority-one indoor training facility.
Responders pleading for a safe week
Amid floods and fillies, Colac’s emergency first responders just want one thing this Melbourne Cup holiday – a long weekend free from road trauma.
Refugee advocates raise plight
Asylum seeker advocates from Colac, Apollo Bay and in between have sat down with Australia’s Immigration Minister to discuss the plight of the region’s refugees.
Sport clubs want better reserve
Residents and representatives from Colac’s sporting clubs have had a further say about grand plans for the city’s reserves.
Cash boost for kindergarten
Colac’s Winifred Nance Kindergarten is set for a big nature play boost.
Kinder crunch continues
Apollo Bay Kinder management has met with parents amid snap closures while residents, politicians and a coastal authority weigh on the Bay’s housing and staffing crisis.
CASH SPLASH: Schools promised millions, health and sport win funding
Labor has promised more than $10 million for a Colac West Primary School revamp, while Colac’s hospital has locked in nearly $3.5 million for life-saving upgrades.
Plenty to frighten across city
Prepare for a spooky weekend in Colac as haunted houses creak open their doors tomorrow.