Articles by Jacob Traynor
Murray Street upgrade
Work on major safety upgrades in Colac’s Murray Street – including a 40kmh speed limit – will likely start in coming months, a roads authority says.
Hoons tear up sport oval
“Idiot” hoons have torn up a Beeac community sportsground, with volunteers left to repair the vehicular vandalism.
Swap meet draws crowd
A huge host of motoring-minded traders have descended on the Colac Showgrounds.
Service to return to city’s court
In-person assessments that help provide alternatives to prison will soon resume at Colac’s court.
Victim seriously injured in alleged Christmas hit
An alleged one-punch attack in Colac left a victim in hospital with a broken jaw on Christmas, a court has heard.
Massive housing proposal: Councillors set to discuss 400-lot plan
A proposed greenfield development at Elliminyt could create up to 400 urgently-needed residential lots in the city, with Colac Otway Shire Council looking to put rezoning plans up for public comment.
Falls friction: Festival organisers defend Birregurra plans
Falls Festival has countered concerns about its proposed multi-day music festival near Birregurra, but Colac Otway Shire Council wants more details about cattle distress and cultural heritage.
Tehan retains electorate, Dyson beats Labor
Colac and district’s federal MP Dan Tehan will hold onto his seat following the weekend’s federal election.