Articles by Rachel Simmonds
Abel’s ready for a career in farming
It’s easy to tell that Abel McBroom is destined for farming when he shows up at Colac Regional Saleyards in his Ringers Western outfit among the regular buyers.
Prices follow statewide trend
Colac Regional Saleyards’ weekly fat sale and monthly store cattle sale have both followed state-wide trends.
Leaving the city behind for an adventure in goat farming
Forrest farmer Renée Holmes has harnessed her IT skills to develop a specialty app to bring out the best in her goat dairy, beef and pygmy goat production.
Grass slashed on fire track
A fire access track near Irrewarra has had urgent slashing to vegetation after a local firefighter told Colac Otway Shire Council that it was in a “serious state of disrepair”.

New councillor looking ahead
New councillor Max Arnott says he believes in creating positive partnerships between Colac Otway Shire Council and its community.

Plenty of precedent for singular ‘they’
We have received comments about the use of the word “they” as a singular pronoun, particularly when referring to people who identify as non-binary gender.

Aussie flag failure apology
Colac Otway Shire’s mayor has publicly apologised after a resident questioned the council’s lack of an Australian flag outside its offices on January 26.

Vote countback to fill shire seat
Colac Otway Shire could have its seventh councillor today, after the second electoral countback for this year.