Larrikins win final despite ill players
The Larrikins have prevailed in a one-side Colac badminton grand final after COVID wreaked havoc on this week’s deciders.
Brauers win association’s first mixed season
Colac badminton’s new mixed competition has had its first grand finals, with the Brauers defeating the Sparrows for the A Grade win.
Larrikans beat rivals in badminton decider
The Larrikans have prevailed over fierce rivals Silverbeets in the first “COVID-normal” badminton season in nearly 12 months.
Narrow win in badminton final
COLAC Ladies A Grade Badminton team Cardsharks narrowly defeated their opposition in a thrilling contest to win the grand final.
Promising performance at state-wide contest
COLAC district junior badminton players showed promise at a state-wide tournament in Melbourne.
Squads prevail in badminton grand finals
THE SILVERBEATS have claimed Colac Ladies Daytime Badminton’s A Grade title despite going into the finals undermanned.
Fillies fire in badminton final
THE Fillies have put the finishing touches on a stellar season, claiming the Colac Ladies Daytime Badminton championship.