Bird flu
Bird flu in northern Vic, local reminder
Colac and district poultry and bird owners are reminded to follow the best biosecurity practices as a northern Victorian farm enters quarantine for bird flu.
Region’s bird flu restrictions easing
With no new cases of bird flu detected in Victoria for almost three months, restricted areas have been removed and replaced with control areas.
Regions bird flu control eases
A poultry housing requirement that has been in effect to control the spread of bird flu near Terang and Meredith has been lifted on some properties in the region.
Pressure on producers as egg demand rises
Since the lock down of multiple south-west Victorian chicken farms amid a bird flu outbreak, local egg producers are facing increasing demand to fill the supply gap.
Tests confirm bird flu at eight farms
Avian influenza virus has been confirmed at an eighth Victorian farm, which was already in quarantine.
Controls to reduce bird flu spread
All birds in the Meredith and Terang areas must be kept in cages or sheds, and the US has banned all Victorian poultry product imports, following last week’s outbreak of avian influenza.
Local egg production unaffected by bird flu
Colac district farmers have reassured customers egg production will continue amid this week’s detection of bird flu at farms in the Meredith and Terang regions.