25 jobs in $2.5m investment
A $2.3-MILLION investment in Colac’s lamb processor will result in 25 new jobs and boost the plant’s production capacity.
Truckers ignoring new laws
TRUCK drivers and transport companies are ignoring new national laws, Colac’s top traffic policeman says.
Colac defies unemployment trends
COLAC job-seekers have continued to buck rising national and state unemployment figures.
Botanic entrances to Colac
COLAC’S entrances, including the former high school site to the west, have new planning rules to ensure development helps create a “botanic garden city” vision.
Baker offers kitchen for Jamie Oliver
A COLAC district bakery could become the home of Jamie Oliver’s pop-up kitchen if Colac is successful in its Ministry of Food competition bid.
Two hurt in Colac mill fire
POLICE and the Country Fire Authority are investigating the cause of a blaze which injured two people at AKD’s Irrewarra sawmill.
Plan to upgrade Colac main street
VICROADS plans to upgrade Colac’s main street as part of the $515-million Winchelsea-to-Colac Princes Highway duplication.
Dairy farmer boosting skills
COLAC district dairy farmer Andrew Beale says he wants to improve his lobbying and presentation skills as part of a national leadership program.