citizenship ceremonies
Family excited for citizenship
After eight years living in Australia, Colac’s De Silva family has officially become fully-fledged Aussies.
New citizens ready to call Australia home
Anne Pushparajah says her journey to becoming an Australian citizen after multiple international moves feels like a fairytale.
Community welcomes new citizens
New Australian citizen Adhya Yatheskumar says it feels bittersweet officially becoming an Australian and leaving behind her Kiwi roots.
Local residents become citizens
From the moment Kathryn Hamer set foot onto Australian soil in 2006, she knew she had found her new home.
Tina officially a proud Aussie
Colac’s Tina Hill says she will be proud to call herself an Australian today when she officially becomes a citizen, after moving to Australia from Denmark more than 40 years ago.
January 26 ceremony to stay
Colac Otway Shire will continue to commemorate Australia Day with a citizenship ceremony on January 26, despite a neighbouring council scrapping its celebrations.
New citizen follows her nursing aspirations
Colac’s newest Australian citizen Ajah Duot dreamt of coming to Australia and becoming a nurse, and now she gets to live out that dream.
Celebrations for new citizens
Ten new Australians from seven different countries have celebrated their new Australian citizenships at a ceremony in Colac.