Colac Otway Shire Council
Last chance to join council’s community panel
Colac Otway community members who want to guide the council’s strategic direction and priorities for the next four years have until tomorrow to register to form a community panel.
Grants open for shire groups
Colac Otway community groups, sports clubs and businesses are encouraged to apply for grants for projects that will benefit the community.
Aus Day discussions on hold
An Australia Day celebration proposal for Colac Otway Shire has been put on hold for now, but it is likely to return for discussions in the future.
Council backs Kennett bus change
Colac Otway Shire Council has agreed to restrict large tourist buses from the township of Kennett River, but the decision will have to get through the state’s transport authority first.
Two dogs euthanised, rise in attack incidents
Two dogs have been euthanised in the past year in the wake of an increase in reported attacks in the Colac Otway community.
Committee members to advocate for yards
Three community members will help to provide advice and advocate for the Colac Regional Saleyards, after their new appointments to a committee.
Mayor wants Aus Day return
Colac Otway Shire’s mayor is calling for a return to celebrations on Australia Day.
Wetlands project needs additional $1.3 million
A funding switcheroo could allow Colac Otway Shire Council to deliver the Elliminyt Wetlands project and the Bluewater Electrification project, after the wetlands project fell $1.3 million short in funds.