Drink Driving
Drunk driver off the road
A motorist is off the road after recording a blood-alcohol level seven times the legal limit north-west of Colac.
Axe-wielding drink-driver off the road for two years
A Colac man who was intoxicated in a public place and wielding an axe will serve 30 additional hours of a community correction order.
Back-seat driver blows .05
A woman has been convicted of drink driving from the passenger seat after police pulled over her learner partner.
Licence penalty for driver
A Colac man will be off the roads for two-and-a-half years after blowing three times the legal limit.
Drink driver’s car towed
A motorist has lost their vehicle for a month after allegedly drink driving at Camperdown.
District motorists behave
Colac police are happy to report they detected no drink driving in Colac during local football and netball grand finals at the weekend.
Drink driver caught at Port
Police have impounded a vehicle at Port Campbell after the male drive was almost three times the legal blood alcohol limit.
Drink driver caught on wrong side of coast road
Police have caught a drunk driver more than four times the legal limit driving on the wrong side of the Great Ocean Road at night.