duck hunting
Water levels worry duck hunter
Colac Field and Game’s Terry McCrickard is looking forward to the 2025 duck hunting season, but he is concerned about duck numbers across the district with declining freshwater levels.
News in Brief
Colac crash investigation Police are investigating a crash involving a car and a motorcycle in Colac. The incident occurred at just before 4.50pm last Thursday at the intersection of Queen and Murray streets. Ambulance Victoria transported the male motorcyclist by road to Geelong University Hospital in a stable condition with lower body injuries. Colac’s Acting […]
Inquiry supports duck ban
A state inquiry has recommended an end to Victoria’s annual duck hunt from next year.
Duck season ends for district hunters
Colac and district duck hunters have until tomorrow night to complete the last of their shooting as the season comes to an end.
Duck season kicks off today
Colac and district people living near wetlands could hear gunshots from today with the start of duck hunting season.
Hunting limits shock shooter
Duck hunters will have a shorter season this year, with one hunter saying he doesn’t expect the season to return to normal ever again.
Duck hunting season ends
Duck hunting season will wrap up on Monday, after the first 12-week season since pre-COVID years.
Expect to hear gun shots
Colac and district people living near wetlands might expect to hear gunshots this Wednesday morning.