Elliminyt Wetlands Project

Wetlands project needs additional $1.3 million
A funding switcheroo could allow Colac Otway Shire Council to deliver the Elliminyt Wetlands project and the Bluewater Electrification project, after the wetlands project fell $1.3 million short in funds.

Commitment to Elliminyt project
The State Government says it’s committed to supporting Colac Otway Shire Council to deliver the Elliminyt Wetlands project, while keeping in mind the environment and cultural considerations relevant to the local area.

Chance to comment on wetlands plan
Community members can have their say on an Elliminyt Wetlands Project that will upgrade a stormwater basin and make way for new wetlands and open space.

Housing and roads on State Budget wishlist
Colac’s State MP Richard Riordan is concerned that the Colac district could miss out on funding for key projects as the Victorian Government grapples with a rising debt bill.