Teenager wins big battle with fish
A three-and-a-half-hour battle has resulted in a monstrous 123-kilogram prize for a teenage angler.
Angler stranded after fish fight
Tuna too good to resist left a Melbourne angler stranded near Apollo Bay for more than six hours.
Small angler, big fish
Colac youngster Thomas Prascevic is the envy of trout anglers everywhere after landing the biggest fish of his life.
Memorable day on water
A low-key fishing trip with his son proved a memorable day for keen Colac angler Steve Sobevski.
The one that got away better than winner
Winning an Apollo Bay fishing competition was far from the best tale Colac angler Dan Mackrell had after a weekend on the water.
Looking for more adventurers
Organisers of Apollo Bay’s Great Ocean Sports Festival are still rallying for support despite enjoying the biggest result in the event’s history.
Two-hour struggle for nine-foot reward
Colac angler David Baulch received an early birthday present in the form of a nine-foot mako shark.
Patrols catch coast lobster takers
Fisheries authorities say there has been an abnormally high amount of crayfish poaching at Apollo Bay over summer.