Otway Ranges
Otways on fire: Crews battle two bushfires
Corangamite group officer Mark Billing has warned of the danger of this year’s fire season, with the Otway Ranges sparking up in two separate bushfires over the weekend.
Otway bush burnoff for willow removal
Otways residents might have been confused about a fuel reduction burn starting in the middle of summer this week.
Timber ban strikes sour note for Otways business
Government changes to timber harvesting in public forests have created issues for an Otways timber harvesting business.
Fire warning for campers
Campgrounds across the Otways will fill up this summer, and Forest Fire Management Victoria is urging campers to follow campfire safety rules.
Landslip closes Otways waterfall road
The Triplet Falls and Little Aire Falls are closed to the public for the next week as crews do immediate landslip repairs to the access road.
Falls campground to grow
Work is starting on a $225,000 upgrade of Beauchamp Falls Campground in the Otways to allow up to 100,000 people a year stay at the site.
Fire crews to monitor distancing
Forest Fire Management Victoria will patrol the Otways over the coming days to ensure campers and visitors are following COVID-safe guidelines.
Residents delighted as snow falls in Otways
Rain, wind and hail might have lashed Colac and the Otways this weekend, but there was also snow for residents who knew where to look.