planned burns
CFA’s planned burns reduce bushfire risk
The CFA’s south-west planned burn team has had a successful season protecting properties and community assets.
Planned burns set to continue
Planned burns will continue across the Otways and the Great Ocean Road in preparation for the upcoming bushfire season.
Bureau tips warm autumn
Weather watchers expect the Colac district to have higher-than-average autumn temperatures as a La Nina weather pattern subsides across Australia.
Forest burnoff in district
Forest Fire Management Victoria ignited a 27-hectare forest burnoff near Gellibrand at the weekend.
Rain slows blazing fuel reduction progress
April rainfall has dampened the state’s fire authority’s fuel management activities across the Otway district.
District fire chiefs pleased with quiet season
The Colac district’s fire chiefs have praised volunteer firefighters and the local community for contributing to a relatively quiet Fire Danger Period, which officially ended yesterday.