Princes Highway
Vehicles left damaged after hitting pothole
The Transport Department has done emergency repairs on a Pirron Yallock pothole that caused vehicle damage this week.
TV push for highway work
A highway advocacy group has launched a TV campaign to ramp up pressure on governments to deliver promised Colac district road improvements.
Overtaking lanes near completion
Work is back underway to finish construction of overtaking lanes on the Princes Highway at Weerite, west of Colac, with roads authorities targeting March for the project’s completion date.
Weather delays highway work
Wet weather has delayed the construction of overtaking lanes on the Princes Highway at Weerite, with the project likely to continue into next year.
Blue Church corner gets $9M upgrade
The Blue Church corner west of Colac will receive $9 million for safety upgrades, the Federal Government has announced.
Highway upgrade work continues
Roadworks continue to progress at Weerite, with the construction of new overtaking lanes on the Princes Highway impacting traffic between Colac and Camperdown.
Riordan in roundabout row
Polwarth MP Richard Riordan says a newly built roundabout at Colac East is an accident waiting to happen and is demanding the State Government make urgent improvements at the site.
Dad’s Porsche impounded after son caught speeding
A Melbourne driver has some seriously awkward conversations ahead with his father, girlfriend and a magistrate, after police impounded his daddy’s Porsche outside of Warncoort yesterday.