public toilets
Foreshore furore for lake loo
Colac community members have been left disgusted by the state of the Lake Colac foreshore public toilets during a bumper weekend at the precinct.
Public interest in Colac toilets
Toilets in Memorial Square have been a topic of discussion at the latest Colac Otway Shire Council meeting, with people wondering when the new facilities will be complete and why items are broken in the current facilities.
State of toilets sparks debate
Colac Otway Shire Council is encouraging people to report poor toilet conditions to its out-of-hours number to help respond to cleanliness concerns quicker.
Close vote approves loo law amendment
New local laws have gained the seal of approval of Colac Otway Shire Council, including the removal of an old clause that discriminated against gender-diverse people using public toilets.
Big toilet decision for council
An LGBTQIA+ support group has pleaded with Colac Otway Shire Council to cancel a “dead-letter law” that restricts public toilet use on the basis of gender.
Toilet change sparks debate and petition against new gender rule
Objections have flooded in to Colac Otway Shire Council over a plan to remove a penalty for people entering toilets of changerooms set aside for another gender.
Surf Coast flushes fine away amid gender debate
Surf Coast Shire Council has officially removed a fine for people entering changerooms or toilets of another gender, but councillors have assured the public they don’t expect a flood of men to invade women’s toilets.
Surf Coast residents flush with doubts about toilet laws
Surf Coast residents have bombarded their council with objections to a plan to lift gender restrictions on council-owned toilets and changerooms.