St Brendan’s Primary School
Nurturing young minds in outdoor classroom
St Brendan’s Primary School students are enjoying learning in their outdoor teaching and activity space.
Celebrating spring with a local wattle walk
St Brendan’s Primary School has embarked on a memorable excursion to Red Rock Wattle Farm to celebrate National Wattle Day.
Schools celebrate Fr Michael’s jubilee
Colac’s Catholic primary schools have gathered to celebrate Father Michael O’Toole’s 50th Golden Jubilee.
Centenary Event for Coragulac
Coragulac’s Good Samaritan Centre will reach its 100-year anniversary on Sunday, with members of the community honouring its rich history through a centenary event.
Comfy new homes for wildlife
Crafty students at St Brendan’s Catholic Primary School have created new wildlife habitats to help attract the local Coragulac fauna.
PHOTO FEATURE: Out and about at St Brendan’s School
The Colac Herald’s photographer Joel King stopped by St Brendan’s Catholic Primary School at Coragulac to check in on the kids at the start of term three.
All fun and games
Cororooke’s new playground is open for business and children are lapping it up.
No need to skip tradition
St Brendan’s Catholic Primary School students have been skipping at home for the Jump Rope for Heart program.