Surf Coast Shire Council
Switcheroo for audit role
Heather Wellington will sit on Surf Coast Shire Council’s audit panel after councillors voted to appoint her instead of fellow Winchelsea Ward councillor Adrian Schonfelder.
Blueprint released for Lorne sports complex
Designs for a redevelopment of Lorne’s Stribling Reserve are available for a first look, after Surf Coast Shire Council published plans.
Lorne beach pooch rules now active
Parts of the Lorne foreshore have become dog-free during the daytime for the summer.
Hall open for public bookings
Winchelsea Shire Hall is available for public use as Surf Coast Shire Council welcomes inquiries while it secures a long-term tenant for the building.
Grants to help shire rebound after COVID
Winchelsea projects have scored big in the latest round of Surf Coast Shire Council’s COVID-19 Recovery Assistance Grants program.
Call for more council control
Surf Coast Shire councillor Heather Wellington wants to see more decisions come before councillors as the region recovers from the impacts of COVID-19.
Zoom meetings here to stay
Surf Coast Shire Council could keep its meeting virtual until April next year.
Wellington to run for mayor after Surf Coast shake-up
Returning Winchelsea Ward councillor Heather Wellington will put her hat in the ring for mayor of Surf Coast Shire Council next week and is eyeing a period of change during the upcoming term.