Hospital board had ‘no better option’

Board chairman Tony Baldwin says Colac Area Health had no choice but to close its overnight emergency care.

COLAC Area Health board chairman Tony Baldwin says the hospital had no better option than to close its overnight emergency service.

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4 Responses to “Hospital board had ‘no better option’”

  1. “if the community support us in changing the way they plan for night-time medical emergencies”

    What? Emergencies such as a heart attack? Stroke? Serious asthma attack?

    This community’s plan on such occasions is to get to the hospital ASAP. Our plan is to call an ambulance and be sure it’s going to arrive. Our plan is to be able to get fast medical assistance when every second counts. There is no other planning possible as these are emergencies we can’t anticipate, we can’t put off till morning and which leave someone’s life in the balance.

    What a stupid statement!

  2. Gerard Barrow

    The decision to close CAH Urgent Care Centre surely cannot be said to be minimising the impact on the community. If one person, out of the very few people who attend with life threatening injures, dies as a result of not being treated within sufficient time – then the impact will be felt forever. This is not even considering the multiple occasions when people have attended the Urgent Care Centre and been given a low triage category, and then deteriorate to the point where they then require life-saving intervention. What other services were overlooked? Sometimes the priority must be beyond the number of users; it ought to be the one life that is saved and about the one person who is kept from pain.

  3. Phil Alexander

    Me thinks Tony is to closely aligned to a political party that has an appalling record on Public Health otherwise why didn’t he come swinging when the Bailleu Government slashed spending on public health.

  4. Tony I can’t beleave your comments Re;Urgent Care After hours would it matter if there was only one case just goes to show yourself and the people who made this hard decision have not used our A&E for your family members Well lucky you! we are looking forward to tuesday nights meeting lets hope you and the board have better answers on the night and I really think some of you who are making these decision on behalf of our community need to come out to the real world and see whats going

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