Hospital board returns fire at MP

Colac Area Health board chiefs Max Arnott, left, and Tony Baldwin have MP Darren Cheeseman, inset, in their sights.

COLAC Hospital’s board chairman has turned up the heat on Corangamite MP Darren Cheeseman after Mr Cheeseman publicly called on the board to resign.

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5 Responses to “Hospital board returns fire at MP”

  1. Phil Alexander

    So let’s get this right, Tony Baldwin and his Board cut the overnight urgent care service but it is Darren Cheeseman who is out of touch with the Colac community. Tony must be living on another planet!

  2. all this Tit for Tat blame isn’t getting anything done. I seem less of it when I was in high school!!!
    Bottom line is- If it affects the community, consult the community!

  3. I think what we all want is the board to consult with the community. It was wrong of the board to close the emergency department without consulting local GP’s, ambulance and emergency services, and without consulting the community.

    The funding from BML is, as their CEO said “to allow a more sustainable, acceptable and informed solution for the Colac community”

    This is what the board failed to do. This is why we had a massive public outcry. Sadly it still seems like members of the board fail to see that.

      1. William Ryan

        The lack of consultation with experienced and knowledgable emergency trained staff was inexcusable. The Board need to take responsibility. And when the CEO responded that the CAH has insurance to cover for any mistake the nurses will make, in the pressure situations of triaging, and turning people away – was disgusting. How can more value be placed on money than on the lives of the community.

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