Crossings plan for main street

Pedestrian crossings on Colac’s Murray Street are part of a new Colac Otway Shire Council plan for transport in the shire.

TRAFFIC jams in central Colac could become common under a Colac Otway Shire Council plan for six Murray Street pedestrian crossings and 40kmh speed limits.

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5 Responses to “Crossings plan for main street”

  1. Prediction: If this goes ahead – the trucks are going to turn off at Queen st and either go down Bromfield st and past the hospital or along Dennis st – making the roundabouts an accident waiting to happen.
    They’ll rejoin Murray st at Grant St/Hart St and those intersections will become a nightmare.
    Or they’ll head down to Wilson St and go past the Specialist School – making the Gravesend/Wilson st intersection a death trap (it’s hard enough to get across at times)- but the council will have its bypass (decided by the truckies) and those few shopkeepers will have their peace and quiet.
    Bugger the people in those streets who will be affected by this – if it’s not an official bypass how can the council be blamed? Oh but rest assured – the people will know and will know who to blame. The first death at one of those intersections will bring down the council.
    The trucks belong on Murray St. If it’s inconvenient to your shop – MOVE YOUR SHOP!! We are NOT going to accept them on our back streets because the council has made it impossible to drive on Murray St.

    Oh and another thing to think about – pedestrians currently either cross at the lights or cross when safe – with zebra crossings the traffic has to stop for them. There are going to be times when there is a green light for the traffic and you are not going to be able to move because there is no room ahead of you because of cars stopped for the pedestrians.

    This is a stupid idea. It will make the streets more dangerous for all. I really have to wonder why the council is so desperate for this bypass that they are willing to risk the lives of the people of the district on ill-conceived plans such as this.

  2. “Plans to have crossings in city’s centre” Colac Herald Wednesday 8 May 2013
    Could this be Council’s answer to quotes by Roads Minister Terry Mulder in “Colac bypass plans lack state support” Colac Herald Friday 3 May 2013. Is Council hoping that additional pedestrian crossings and reduced speed limits will obstruct traffic and businesses alike to the point where there will be a huge outcry demanding a by-pass?
    If Colac is ever by-passed pedestrians will be able to wander at will the full length of Murray Street without fear of being run over by a vehicle!

    1. I had wondered that myself. Obviously someone on the council is desperate for that bypass to go ahead. I’m waiting for the announcement that they are going to close Murray St in the “CBD”, such as it is, to all traffic and make it into a mall.
      Instead of inventing reasons to spend money and therefore increase rates, they should “govern” within their means!
      We don’t NEED a bypass and we certainly don’t NEED more pedestrian crossings on Murray St, or 40km zones in our streets.
      They keep on telling us how they need more money, and then they want to waste that money like this.

  3. jamesbond

    How about we reinstate the Horse and Cart..!!
    Isn’t Murray Street a Vic Roads Responsibility
    This will definitly force the Governments hand to annoucement the alternate vehicle bypass.
    Stop wasting Rate payers money..!! Better still explain to rate payers why council is wasting hundreds of thousand of dollars when council has no money for other high priority areas..!!

  4. Really? Traffic that slow is more likely to cause accidents from sheer frustration! Why is Colac so precious its streets need a speed limit 10kms under the limit for all other towns? Great way to confuse visitors.
    As for pedestrian crossings in Murray St, how about some stats on how many people have been hit or killed by a car whilst crossing?

    Stop trying to look like you are doing something useful by making up problems. Colac’s pedestrians are quite capable of crossing roads all by themselves. We don’t need extra protection. You’re making us look like idiots, and yourselves look incompetent.

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