MP racks up $200,000 bill

Corangamite MP Darren Cheeseman racked up more than $200,000 in expenses in six months.

CORANGAMITE MP Darren Cheeseman toured two African countries as he racked up $200,696 of expenses in a six-month period.

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13 Responses to “MP racks up $200,000 bill”

  1. Phil Alexander

    Ian, you obviously don’t read the Age. To say the Age is biased towards the Labor Party is like saying Rupert Murdoch is a communist. By the way, I’m not complaining about the Colac Herald supporting the Liberals I’m just stating it as a fact.

  2. @Phil, You have been saying that the Colac Herald is bias for years now do you ever complain about the Age being bias towards the Labor party and Greens?

  3. Phil Alexander

    Jack500, you were the one who raised the issue of supposed ABC bias. I was pointing out that Sarah Henderson, the Liberal candidate for Corangamite was a former employee of ABC. Regarding her not being on any junket is irrelevant. I’m betting that when and if she is elected her overseas travel bill will be no different to Cheeseman’s.
    The Colac Herald has a proud record over many years of supporting the Liberal/National parties and doesn’t need me to point this out to the editor.

  4. Well I can asure ya all ‘Im not bias to either side’ never have or will be.
    As for the travel, id just like to know- how much of an investment was it really was to us? What did it achieve? And how much of the time there was actually spent as “business” not pleasure?
    Our Government and others all spend time on the phone etc to each other, they REALLY only travel O\S when they want a vacation or for a publicity stunt… Im lucky to get a day trip in once a month! LoL
    But in the defence of the cost (SHOCK HORROR), split the cost of these things between each voter and it would be little.

  5. @Phil You might like to remember that Sarah Henderson is not our local member who has been on a junket, Darren Cheeseman is also if you have a problem with the Colac Herald being bias towards Sarah Henderson may I suggest that you take it up with the Editor and not me!

  6. Phil Alexander

    Sarah Henderson is former employee of the ABC as was Prue Goward who is now a member of the Liberal Government in NSW. The ABC is also littered with commentators sympathetic the Liberal and National party. But that’s OK, we live in a democracy. It seems however, Jack500 you appear to be one of a number on the Right side of politics who scream left wing bias any time your side of politics is criticised.

  7. If you want to see real ‘left wing bias’ then have a look at the ABC specially Q&A

  8. that’s actually very little spent on overseas travel. Office expenses, including rent took the bulk of that money. Perhaps a review of that is needed. Just how much was the rent?

  9. Phil Alexander

    Juggy, if all our politicians video conferenced overseas counterparts what an inward looking country we would be perceived as. Surely to build up relationships and gain an understanding of other countries cultures you have to go there. By the way figures show that overseas travel expenses by Coalition MP’s when Howard was PM were far higher than those of Labor politicians even today.
    This article does appear to be a way of giving Sarah Henderson a boost before the next election not that the Colac Herald would show any bias!

  10. Just another fact finding mission ‘Junket’ how has this benefited us?

  11. Cheesy spent way more than a couple of the others shown… and for that extra spent, can he promise that its an advantage to us??? I doubt it.
    Any dealings he done with these overseas people could of been done via video conference from his office at a fraction of the cost.

  12. Phil Alexander

    Well Jack500, if you vote the other mob in you will never get the NBN.
    Further, to the Colac Herald, what was the point of this article other than to denigrate Cheeseman. As Cheeseman pointed out his expenses were average for a politician in his position so why make it a major story.

  13. I personally cant wait to vote this man out of office, not one email reply to me regarding when we might get the ‘National broadband network’ specially for us who cant get ADSL I have since found out that Colac and district is set to get the NBN in 2019

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