Council to employ extra staff under budget plan

COLAC OTWAY Shire Council will employ eight new staff including an extra seasonal local laws officer next financial year if councillors approve its draft budget.

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3 Responses to “Council to employ extra staff under budget plan”

  1. Chris Smith

    The extra 8 staff is only part of the story. Wages are planned to increase by $1.19 million up 7%( that’s an increase of over $8 million in 6 years) also spending on roads cut 5% footpaths cut 37% bridges cut 45% drainage cut 75%. What ever happened to the idea of “serving our community”.

    1. Hey Chris, I’m not sure if this idea fits with Council or VicRoads, but either way I’m putting it out there.
      I’ve been watching the road works between Colac & Timboon and things are improving nicely. Now I’m just wanting to point out that maintaining the gutters\drains alongside this road would make a big difference. I have noticed that it is mostly full of branches and other debris which only causes damage to the road surface and subsurface.
      I’m a great believer in ‘Prevention is better the cure’.

  2. I’m not wanting to sound like a prick, but if Local Laws actually got out there at school times and booked parents for their parking horrid parking for even just 1 term, it would neutralize their current wages for a year! But they seem more interested in booking people who park in loading zones while they assist their disabled partner. ☹

    Have Council ever considered or looked into volunteer staff to help keep cost down??? Wouldn’t it be great to have people in the community involved in some of the ‘going no’ within their shire. I know there’s already volunteer’s out & about, heck… even I’ve done voluntary work for them with and without their knowledge. I understand that there’s “Red Tape” involved, HECK, Id offer some of my time when I able, keeping in mind that I’m not of the best health and on the DSP etc… but how about it???

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