COST BLOWOUT: Bluewater project exceeds $13 million

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THE cost of Colac’s Bluewater redevelopment has already hit more than $13 million, with both the council and building contractor unwilling to take responsibility for the warped stadium floor.

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4 Responses to “COST BLOWOUT: Bluewater project exceeds $13 million”

  1. All commercial contracts of this size should be let on a Design & Construct basis. This places the risk on the builder to provide the the contracted building based on drawings, scope of works and specifications and only allows for a variation to be claimed for the likes of latent conditions (i.e contaminated soil removal), inclement weather or a change in the scope of works initiated by the client. If the shire has done its due diligence up front then there is no questions, the builder (and their subcontractors) is responsible. If not the councillors need to be accountable.

  2. What exactly is the issue here? If BDH have failed to complete the work to an adequate standard then they should be covering the costs of replacement as well as the additional costs incurred from the delays (By the way if council can’t ‘reach a resolution’ there are these wonderful thing called ‘courts’ that can force the other party to provide restitution) .

    If the council failed to develop an adequate contract then whoever drafted the contract should be fired and the councilors who voted for it should resign.

    I can’t understand the current situation of ‘the contractor won’t fix it so we are just going to throw another $1m of ratepayers cash at it to cover the costs’, could someone tell me what I am missing?

    1. I think they’re all scratching each others backs. Some of them are friendly through clubs away from business. Could be wrong, but we’ll never know either way.

  3. What an absolute money pit!!! The darn thing is overdue and over cost, but what about the loss of profit… how much is that???
    The council members who voted for the extra should be ashamed, they have cost the community BIG time. I hope they hang their heads in shame when in public.

    I also still think that the contractor is at fault for the floor… It’s their job to ensure that the right product and work is carried out. He can also keep giving me dirty looks as he drives by, it doesnt bother me. LoL

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