Articles by A Colac Herald contributor
Letter to the editor
The cancellation of a desperately needed coastal trail and the draining of a flooding Lake Colac feature in today’s letters.
Letters to the editor
The fate of Foodshare, support for the Voice, opposition to nuclear submarines and help for gardeners feature in today’s letters.
CAREERS: Talk to the experts for quality training
Colac and district offers a wealth of great career opportunities for young people, and Victorian Group Training is there to connect people with the right traineeships and apprenticeships.
Letters to the editor
The draining of Lake Colac through the Lough Calvert scheme, and the referendum on the Aboriginal Voice to Parliament feature as hot topics in today’s letters.
A Story from Country: Between Maar and Kulin
Revisiting our family photos at the Colac History Centre today reminds us of our custodial responsibility to our fellow Gulidjan descendants, and how vulnerable our personal family information and photographs have been lately.
Letters to the editor
A letter in defence of the Voice to Parliament, and pushing to address the cost of living feature in today’s letters.
Letters to the editor
Readers express views on a range of issues in today’s letters.
Letters to the editor
The Voice to Parliament, the future of the NDIS and the cancellation of the Commonwealth Games feature in today’s letters