Articles by A Colac Herald contributor
Local photographers share passion, prizes
Colac Camera Club members have inspired each other with some amazing work, with Wayne Alexander taking out the top prize in two of the three categories in the latest competition.
How to Bump Up Your Salary Without Switching Jobs
Not everyone is interested in job-hopping and many people are satisfied with the company they work for. Yet, even under these circumstances, it’s completely normal to feel like you deserve a salary increase, especially with the rising costs of living.
Letters to the Editor
Thanks to Lake Colac swimmers On checking the death column in Monday’s Colac Herald, to our delight, I found out that the four elite superfish had not come to any mysterious death, from being so totally defiant and swimming from Meredith Park to the foreshore beach, rising up out of the water like four Neptunes, […]
New mural to transform Winchelsea wall
Winchelsea artist Lauren Green will breathe life and creativity into a 42-metre wall facing Winchelsea’s railway reserve with a vibrant mural.
Win a luxury night in Melbourne
As a Colac Herald reader, you could win a luxurious overnight stay in the city.
Letters to the Editor
Congratulations to campaigner Re: Barwon Water ‘Never Again’ Colac Herald October 30, 2023. Congratulations and thank you Malcolm Gardiner for your tireless and persistent ongoing efforts over many years, all worthwhile with an excellent outcome. Heather Smith, Murroon Trick-or-treaters should use bin Next Halloween, I wonder if organisers and parents might ask or insist […]
Emergency relief kits for high-risk towns
Today is the United Nation’s International Day for Disaster Reduction and Colac Otway Shire Council is rolling out Emergency Relief “Starter Kits” to 10 high-risk townships across the shire.
Community planning for Lorne water security
Barwon Water has recognised the “breadth of experience and knowledge” of members of a new Lorne Community Working Group who have met for the first time as part of the Lorne: Water, Your Say program.