Extra testing clinic opens
Colac Area Health tested 41 people at its COVID-19 testing clinic yesterday.
Border closure probe
The Victorian Ombudsman has launched an investigation into COVID-19 related interstate travel permits, exceptions and exemptions after receiving more than 80 complaints.
Snakes bask in spring sun
District snakes slithering into spring sun have prompted a warning for locals to look out for venomous reptiles.
Governor won over through Colac visit
Colac’s story of trial and triumph through successive COVID outbreaks has reached the ears of the Victorian Governor.
Inspections and jabs ramp up for construction
The State Government is cracking down on COVID transmission in the construction industry, and has launched a compliance blitz and priority vaccine access for workers.
Crime and police news
Man loses drivers licence after police detect drugs, Scam calls rise in Corangamite, and Colac woman will contest theft charges
Gas plan approval angers Vic Greens
The Victorian Greens have taken aim at a decision to allow gas drilling near the 12 Apostles, but the State Government insists exploration is safe and essential for Victoria’s economy.
Celebrating NAPLAN results
Colac and district schools had outstanding NAPLAN results despite setbacks from at-home learning.