Council’s cleaning contract could get messy
Colac Otway Shire councillors have asked questions about cost and local content over a proposed new $857,000 cleaning contract.
Preparing for council elections
Victorians have less than two weeks to ensure they are enrolled to vote in the upcoming 2024 local council elections.
Colac man faces court after resisting arrest
A Colac father has promised to be on his best behaviour for the next year after resisting police arrest.
Offender allegedly assaulted after burnouts
A Colac man who did burnouts in his vehicle at Barongarook was later rammed and allegedly assaulted by witnesses of the burnouts.
Extra documents delay decision
Colac Otway Shire councillors will have an extra week to go through a hundreds-of-pages report before voting on a proposed million-bird chicken farm at Birregurra.
Creating healthy relationships
“It’s there on those devices, and unless it changes at a systemic or government level it’s not going to change, so we have to do all that we can to educate and support our young people to navigate through it.”
Coastal councillor plans to continue push for ‘fair deal’
Campaigning for a “fair deal” for coastal communities remains high on Graham Costin’s agenda – it just won’t be achieved as a Colac Otway Shire councillor.
District CFA member deployed to Canada
Local CFA member Betty Robilliard is among 26 Victorian emergency services personnel assisting Canada in battling wildfires.