Push to declare housing crisis
Lorne councillor Gary Allen will push Surf Coast Shire Council to declare a key-worker accommodation crisis as local businesses battle to fill staff vacancies.
Palliative care in the spotlight
A Colac community-owned hospice is using National Palliative Care Week to connect with the community about understanding palliative care.
Space mission for storytime
Colac and district children had an out-of-this-world experience at Colac Library as part of Simultaneous Storytime.
Doctor stars on TV show
A Colac export working as an emergency doctor will feature in a TV show that takes viewers inside the walls of the Royal Melbourne Hospital.
Rural news in brief
A new Climate Resilient Farms project will establish 10 additional climate-resilient exemplar farms in south-west Victoria.
Vealers fetch 470¢ at weekly market
Vealers attracted good prices at Colac’s weekly cattle sale, but the overall yarding was down in size.
Bee day prompts disease warning
Agronomists have paid tribute to our pollinating friends for World Bee Day, while outlining the value of protecting the biosecurity of Australia’s bees.
Farms buzzing at fruit fly cash
A $6.4-million investment in the State Budget will boost the state’s capacity to protect itself from fruit fly outbreaks.