Register now for ceremony
More than 160 people have registered to attend Colac’s Australia Day Awards tomorrow, with registrations still open until 12pm today.
Biliblanket a big help for babies
A community-funded blanket to help babies with jaundice has already helped a Colac family.
Term one commences
Colac school principals are eager to get stuck into a COVID-normal school year this week.
Striking wall will welcome folk to Gellibrand
Gellibrand will have a new welcome wall for visitors, with local talent working to showcase the region and the character of the people.
State’s gross farm income increases, costs decrease
Higher gross farm income and lower costs have been positive factors for Victorian farmers in the past year, the 2019-20 Livestock Farm Monitor report says.
Offender pleads guilty over assault
A former Apollo Bay footballer has pleaded guilty to assault and aggravated burglary charges and will likely face jail.
This quality Barongarook lifestyle property boasts delightful views from nearly every room.
Weekend warning for fire danger
The Colac district’s fire chief says Colac will likely avoid critical fire
conditions during the upcoming sweltering weekend but said residents must remain vigilant to reduce risk.