Pokies losses down $2M
Losses from the Colac region’s poker machines are down due to COVID-19.
Wire tunnels help Otways’ wildife
A Forest Fire Management Victoria, Conservation Ecology Centre and Deakin University project will identify critical habitats for at-risk wildlife in the Otways.
Emergency relief for area
Colac Otway residents in isolation or quarantine can receive emergency relief packages, with the community encouraged to help spread the word.
Seismic testing opposed
Colac Otway Shire Council has formally opposed the use of seismic testing to look for oil and gas in the Otway Basin.
Lorne median house prices reaches $1.5M
Lorne’s median house price has soared beyond $1.5 million as the coastal town continues to be hot property for buyers looking to escape Victorian cities.
Boost for veteran’s services
Colac RSL has received the proceeds of a Memorial Square car show that will support of the district’s war veterans.
Working dog health reminder
A Colac vet is encouraging farmers to keep an eye on their working dogs during the colder months, paying attention to any injuries or signs of rat bait poisoning.
Cattle prices rise at saleyard
Cattle numbers more than halved at Colac’s weekly sale, with prices mostly rising.