Online weeds tool launched
The Centre for Invasive Species Solutions has launched Weeds Australia, a new website providing best-practice information on weeds management in Australia.
Our schools avoid lockdown
Colac and district schools will have students and teachers back in classrooms on Monday, continuing to learn and practise hygiene practises amid the pandemic.
Rate increase is a concern for residents
Ratepayers have pleaded with Colac Otway Shire Councillors to drop plans for a rate rise, in what one councillor described as the “toughest” budget in history.
Gliders take flight over Lake Colac
A pair of powered paragliders treated Lake Colac watchers to a spectacular sight this week as they took to the morning skies.
Clinic screens 1400
Colac Area Health’s COVID-19 clinic will likely reach 1500 coronavirus tests by the end of the month, with the site having tested more than 1400 people since it opened in March.
Less waste means lower bills
Colac Otway Shire Council will have to fork out an extra $50,000 next year to send rubbish to landfill, unless residents cut their waste and increase recycling.
Self-care vital for health staff
A committed, creative and community-minded workplace is how Tamara Holmes describes Colac Area Health.
Colac hospital to head rural health research
Colac Area Health will lead a state-wide research project investigating the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the wellbeing of regional and rural healthcare staff.