Students hang out in hallway
Colac Primary School students can’t be at school, but staff members are making sure their smiling faces are still lighting up the school hall.
Australia-wide campaign to help violence victims
A Federal Government campaign will help people experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence access support during the coronavirus pandemic.
Parent pleased with support
Colac Specialist School Council president and mum Naomi Colville has praised the school’s staff for supporting students and families during the challenging transition to remote learning.
Planning changes help landowners
Colac Otway Shire Council says its latest red tape cut will help thousands of properties and improve development.
Bay suffers tourism blow from virtual festival
Apollo Bay’s tourism industry has suffered another blow and will miss out on thousands of visitors this month, with a major running festival shifting online.
Silver lining to virus pandemic
A Colac doctor says the lessons learnt during the corona-virus pandemic could result in a lower incidence of respiratory infections across the district.
Blockbuster new craze in Colac
Bare feet beware: a new blockbuster isolation challenge has Colac kids diving back into the old Lego collection.
Safety-first approach works for Colac schools
Colac school councils say they support the Victorian Government’s safety-first approach to re-opening schools, as state and federal authorities remain at loggerheads over their approaches to education during the coronavirus crisis.