Planning meeting to go ahead
Colac Otway Shire Council’s planning meeting will still consider planning matters next month, but likely with a few logistical differences.
Licence testing for drivers gets put on hold
VicRoads has suspended all light vehicle drivers’ licence tests and computer-based tests to limit the spread of coronavirus.
Help available during job downturn
A Colac financial planner says Colac residents are well-placed to take advantage of the Federal Government’s $66-billion economic stimulus package.
Surf Coast sites cut hours
Surf Coast Shire Council has closed all its public parks and equipment and is temporarily reducing opening times at Winchelsea and Lorne’s tips.
Health staff’s kids get help at school
A Colac primary school has helped ease the burden on the community’s healthcare workers by keeping their doors open for children of essential workers.
Yarding size reduces but prices are good
Cattle numbers and prices eased at Colac’s weekly market, but were still at healthy levels.
Store sale off but weekly cattle markets continue
Colac’s monthly store cattle sale is off this Friday due to coronavirus restrictions, but Thursday fat cattle sales will continue for now.
Dob in repeat graffiti offender
Police want to hear from people who have witnessed an offender spray abusive graffiti on the Princes Highway near Birregurra.