Three crashes in five days at intersection
A notorious Colac district crossroad was yesterday the scene of its third serious crash in five days.
Call to fix fatality intersection
Colac district residents are calling on road authorities to improve a notorious intersection after three crashes in five days at the crossroads, including a fatality.
Sand and infestation threatening harbour
A build-up of sand, a kelp infestation and lack of maintenance could force the closure of Apollo Bay’s iconic harbour.
Horror holidays on Colac district roads
Two people have died in separate crashes and multiple people seriously injured in more than eight collisions across the Colac district over the Christmas holiday period.
Council waiting to appoint new chief
Colac Otway Shire ratepayers and residents will have to wait until next year to find out who will take on the role of chief executive officer.
Prison visits a privilege
There are not many people who would willingly spend their Christmas in solitary confinement.
Colac set to host car show in 2018
Colac will host a car show in 2018 and raise much-needed funds for the district’s returned servicemen and women.
Snail mail almost spoils party
Colac Primary School’s Grade Six graduation guests could easily have missed the opportunity to attend the special event after “snail mail” took 10 days to reach Colac addresses.